UX & Visual Designer

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Click what, go where, see what? 

I look for the connections between dots to navigate a clear path from one to the other.

I’m a Minneapolis based UX and Visual Designer with more than 20 years of interactive experience. I practice a range of skills, emphasizing strong user-centered experiences and visual design, intuitive interfaces, and coherent informational organization.

Curious and inquisitive by nature, deeply analytic in my thought process, I seek to form a greater understanding through research, analysis, processing synthesis, and cognitive distillation. I ask questions and think about what the answers mean.


My Roles:
Experience, Visual, & Interface Design; Information Architecture, Content Management, Research & Analysis, Usability Testing, A/B Testing.

Typical Deliverables:
Visual Design, Wire frames, Mock-ups, Prototypes, Site maps, Journey Maps, Flow Maps, Storyboards.